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Essay/Term paper: 'united we stand for the red, white, and blue'

Essay, term paper, research paper:  Definition Essays

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"United We Stand for The Red, White, And Blue"

America has given its citizens many liberties, privileges, and rights, and it's citizens should be proud to be a part of this country. The red, white, and blue has become a symbol for a great way of life, and everyone should recognize this.

There are countless reasons why we citizens of the United States should stand up and pledge our allegiance to the flag. Many people live in this country and many more enter every day. The citizens of the United States have many freedoms that many people, over vast years and wars, have given their life for. All of the members of our army, navy, and air force should be patted on the back for a job well done.

The soldiers that gave their lives to stand up for the United States did this so that we could enjoy the freedoms that we have now. Without their support and help, some other country would have most certainly taken over America. We might also now be ruled by communism, if not for the soldiers.

There are some people who think that they have the need to be "special" and talk against the United States. This is sad, since if those people lived in any country other than the United States, they would be severely punished for even thinking badly about the government. There are also those people who do nothing but complain about how this country is run. Instead of complaining, they should do something about it. If they feel a certain way about a certain issue, they could bring it to the attention of the government. That is yet another good quality of our government, if someone does not like it, the Constitution may be amended.

This country was set up more than 200 years ago to allow people the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The founding fathers of the United States had the best intentions for the best country that there has ever been and maybe will ever be. Everyone should be proud to be a citizen of the great country, The United States of America.

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